ABC-Animal - Season : Summer
My Pet and I Will Have a Beautiful Summer!
Before leaving for your vacation and enjoying this beautiful season, make some good decisions about your pet’s health and safety.
1. I never leave my pet prisoner in my car
I never leave my pet prisoner in my car, especially if I park out in the sun and even if I roll down all the windows… unless I like my animal cooked and well done. Because the car’s interior is like an over on high heat and my animal’s fur, even when groomed, acts like a winter jacket. Dehydration, heatstroke and death are real dangers for my pet in this situation.
2. I prevent my animal from sticking his head out of the car window
I prevent my animal from sticking his head out of the car window while I’m driving faster than 30 km/h (15 miles/h) because the wind pressure opens his eyelids and gets into the ears. Dirt, dust and insects stick to the ears and eyes and can cause serious problems.
3. After swimming, I clean and dry my dog’s ears
After swimming, I clean and dry my dog’s ears to avoid dangerous inflammation or infection, called otitis. And, if the water is dirty or salty, I give him a complete rinse with fresh water.
4. I always provide my pet with a bowl of fresh water
No matter where we go, I always provide my pet with a bowl of fresh water so he can drink as much as he needs.
5. I put my sailboard, and not my dog, in the back of the pick-up truck
I put my sailboard, and not my dog, in the back of the pick-up truck. A simple manoeuvre to avoid something on the road could throw him out of the truck and cause very severe fractures.
Thanks to the advice, my pet and I will have a safe summer.
Alain Aspirault, D.V.M.
Ancienne-Lorette Vet Clinic
Québec, Canada